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P. O. Box TL 1027 Tamale , Ghana

Empowering Farmers and Enhancing Food Security in Africa

An Agriculture development organization committed to developing a vibrant youth in Agriculture sector in Ghana for an accelerated Agriculture development

Committed to improving the agricultural value chain

Our Focus

Empowering Farmers And Enhancing Food Security In Africa

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The Savannah Young Farmers Network (SavaNet) is an International Agriculture and Rural development organization. The mission of the organization is to build the needed structures and serve as a leverage to promote Africa’s accelerated Agriculture and Rural development. SavaNet’s vision is the creation of resilient structures in the Agriculture and Rural development sector in Africa that promote the continent’s accelerated economic development. 

The members of the Network include small, medium, and large-scale farmers and other Agriculture value chain actors. The organization is led by a Country Manager in its operational African countries and coordinated by an African Regional Director.

Our activities are directed towards promoting sustainable Agriculture and rural development, circular bioeconomy development, natural resource conservation, climate change mitigation/adaptation, and environmental protection. Our activities are also directed towards building a low-carbon resilient future, farmer development and training.

Our Mission

The development of a vibrant youth in Agriculture sector to champion Ghana’s accelerated Agriculture Development.

Our Vision

A developed and vibrant youth in Agriculture sector that spearhead’s Ghana’s accelerated Agriculture development.

We thrive on the trust we've built with our partners
Our projects are designed to provide equal opportunities
Extented Support
Create awesome and great looking websites.
Creating Possibilities
Create awesome and great looking websites.

Building Bridgesbetween Research and Practical Agriculture

SavaNet has created an innovation ecosystem where various Agriculture value chain actors interact for the adoption and upscale of Agriculture technologies and food systems. We are therefore Ghana’s Agriculture technology corridor.

Our Projects

In partnership with our funding agencies as well as sister organisations, we have been able to execute the following projects successfully

Funded, Partnered and Trusted By

World Bank
United Nations

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